Friday, June 27, 2014

Last week in Mountrath

 U mad bro?

Nothin like a wild rabbit for lunch. mm. .mm. mm. mm. mmm. Bone crunchin good.

You know Henry will always be kickin it in the warmest place in the cottage. The kittens have been so fun to play around with and see them interact with the world. So curious about everything. 

Just to get an idea of how lush it is here, the other day I was cleaning out the gutter and there were full size plants growing off the inch or so of gunk. And there are plenty of cut down trees that are still somehow alive. The grass is insane here as well, it will eat up anything. 

Also, Roy recommended a book to me that he'd been reading called "Escape from Camp 14" which is about a guy named Shin Dong-Hyuk who is the only person born in a North Korean political prison camp to have escaped. Check it out. The book is intensely engaging and absolutely horrifying. 

 Swallows. Came to visit me all the way from Africa.

Can't get enough of this spot.

Oh, and last week I found out they have an N64 with many classics, and Roy games it up! That is just classy. Among his favorites are Diddy Kong Racing, Goldeneye, Zelda, and 1080 Snowboarding. So lately I've been soaking up some nostalgia, and Nicolas watches me play Mario. He says "careful" during the hard parts, it's so perfect how he says it. Dead serious. I've been thinking after my travels are over (for a time being) i'll make this blog into a book, with all the pics in their high definition glory.

Weather wise, it's been toasty the past two weeks. I've been soaking up some major Irish rays. Gained a new appreciation for all those construction workers back in St. George. I've noticed how much stronger I am now, no doubt the best shape i've ever been in. Understandably, as I work 30 hours a week which is all physical labor, and then all the biking, walking, and hiking plus working out. In other words, I be feelin goooood.

Went on another long bike ride on Sunday and strolled through a nearby city called Castletown. Found a nature walk that was so sweet. Again, just me and nature. It's been awesome to spend so much time alone. 

One night as I was laying in bed I see a huge dark figure creepin on the wall, and I quickly turn the lights on and it's the King of all Irish spiders. Before I could grab a book he was off faster than the speed of light. Now, this is one where I actually felt the fear response in my body go off. The only spider I've seen bigger was during my trip to the Amazon Rainforest in 10th grade. At this point I started sleeping next to my special book reserved for crushing spiders to a pulp, just in case I had to fight for my life. One night I turned the lights on and he was just chillin! I took a good minute to grab my book and line up my throw .... and completely failed but took the web down. The next day it was up again.. And then a few nights ago I woke up during the night and thought I saw another spider on the window by my bed, but after I turned the lights on I didn't see anything, and then turned around and saw the King doing some maintenance work on his web. At this point I thought it would be a good time to grab my camera. I think he was surrendering to me because I was getting pretty close, and then for a moment I thought I might spare him, but ended up crushing him, and let his body hang from his own web to show all his little buddies that I am the King. 

Met the chillest hedgehog. When I was entering one of the fields with the chuff chuff I saw him. It was like it was his day off and he just got done drinking a relaxing cup of chamomile tea. That is the sort of way he was moving even with me up close. He eventually rolled up in a ball and I had to push him off the field like a bowling ball.

This is easily the longest my hair has ever been. At the end of the day it's usually full of wood chippings, grass clippings, dirt, and who knows what else. That along with the fact I haven't had any conditioner for over a month plus I only shower once or twice a week has made me do some serious thinking about getting a haircut. I mean it's bloody gorgeous, but it's a bloody mess! Thus I went into town and found a barber and said, "you sure you can cut this?" ha. Bzzzzzzzzz the razor starts up and within 5 seconds, clunk! Got caught in one of my many knots of doom, but he did a great job and trimmed my beard up that I hadn't shaved in two months or so. By the end of it I was getting some serious business-sales vibes (more of your genes coming out I suppose, Dad). Like dang I could make some ridiculous sales right now with this look, just give me a classy suit and I'm golden. Best decision I've made since purchasing my one way ticket to London.

It's crazy that i've been at this farm for almost 6 weeks, and really it's been too long for me to be in one place. And it has nothing to do with the farm or people, it's been a great experience. But I like constant change. Routine and becoming familiar with a place is exactly what I don't want. Live and learn. Hence, why all the farms I setup in Sicily are for about 3 weeks each. Stoked about what's coming my way! I setup one just east of Palermo the city I land in, one in central Sicily near Caltanissetta, one in between Caltanissetta and Catania (east coast), and the last one just north of Catania. Lots of variety for work, experience, and people. Some have kids, some will have other wwoofers most likely, and the last one is a 71 year old dude with his 6 dogs, not to mention Mt. Edna the volcano is in his literal backyard! He sent me pics from his house of lava oozing down in the distance. Umm, wow. Epic. Now all I need is a red tunic suit from Zelda so I can get close to the lava. I will find a way.

I still can't get over how perfect the whole farm hopping thing is for me personally. And I just refuse to travel like a tourist. I want depth. I want to experience other cultures and how they think and what they believe in. And this fulfils my desires. I get to experience a completely different culture & lifestyle for free, learn how to use so many different tools & machines, learn many sustainable farming techniques and ways of living, and explore new territory. And I do want to make a comment on trust. Trusting the universe. When I first bought my ticket I had zero plans and knew no one over here. A few weeks before I left I met someone from the website and at the very end of the conversation she mentioned the wwoofing website. That opened up so many doors for me it's unreal. When I setup my first farm I was already in London. I guess I'm writing this to tell people to just go for it if you want to do something. Stop thinking and just do it already. The universe will provide, although it may take effort. Fear is in the mind, the soul knows no fear. 

There is one desire that precedes all others as the main reason in going on this journey. Besides my wanting to learn sustainable ways of living like farming, and of course traveling and meeting new people, it was to use the whole experience as a way to go inwards. To explore my inner world. I am so so glad I have never been in a serious relationship or even considered marriage. I respect people that make that choice early on in life but for me, I want to cultivate a deep relationship with myself and the world around me before I even think about going that route. It's such a blessing to have this time to explore, and talking with so many people that wish they would've had such a time, has made me appreciate it even more.

Well, that's it for now. I'm heading out to the west coast tomorrow!

Will update when I can... peace.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Absorbed in the Moment

Why so serious?

Discovered another one of my mystical red friends while mowing a different pasture with the chuff chuff, so I took a little break to do a photo shoot and then set him free. Such a beauty. It elevated my energy so much just to get outside my thinking mind and stare in awe at this creation. 

Another poppy. Such detail in everything, wow.


The pack. It's how they say hi, every time.  

Molly is so graceful. I can't help but smile every time I see her running around with those tiny legs! I swear when she jumps it's like she has invisible wings. So fluid. 

 Sometimes it still doesn't feel like I'm in Ireland, but all it takes is a trip into town. True Irish people have such a different look that I've never seen before, not to mention that accents are priceless. In the grocery store, among the candy was "Curly Wurly" & "Chomp." Mmmm sounds disgusting.  

 Went on a date with nature today and took a trip to Cathole Falls, she surprises me with such great locations every time! Then I crossed the bridge into Mordor...

Look familiar? It did to me. Like the end of Lord of the Rings 2. 

Light & Color

After my trip to Cathole Falls I kept biking towards the Slieve Bloom mountains, taking random roads. I knew there wouldn't be a trail to the top the way I was going but the plan was to leave the bike and hike the rest of the way. Man, my legs were so numb at this point but I kept going. The thought of the view and the downhill ride back was all the motivation I needed. The last little road I took I get to a dead end of sorts, it looks like someone's driveway but I don't see a house so I hide my bike in the forest and continue on foot. Found some little sheep (?) on my way up and I keep walking and notice some smoke in the distance behind some trees and the sound of a person. Whoops. In my mind I have two choices at this point, walk up to the house and say I was told this was the way to the top of the Slieve Blooms, which would be hilarious. Or I could James Bond around their house and continue on. I was feeling a little sneaky today so I chose the latter option, walked a little down the driveway, jumped the fence, and right as I do this I hear a car coming down from the house!! Immediately I go into stealth mode and book it up the field behind some trees. I watched as they went down the long driveway and I see some brake lights right where I hid my bike! I'm thinking they might have spotted it! They backed up a little and at this point I'm ducking my head, I wasn't sure if they were coming back up the driveway so I waited for a bit. And then I crept down little by little and I couldn't see their car anywhere, so I hopped the fence and start speed walking down. I see the gate where the sheep were and hear something but luckily it was just the sheep eating! Phew. Now, I'm full on running, quickly grab my bike, and was off on my way. Not even 10 seconds later, the same car was coming up the road and I do a simple wave and they waved back like it was nothin! They must have thought I biked up to the top of the road and simply turned around! A blissful laugh would ensue. That, ladies and gentleman, is true ghost tactics.

 Right as I took this pic a metaphor shot into my mind instantly.

The view from the top of the field where I was sneaking. Almost at the top of the Slieve Blooms, which is more of a big hill than a mountain. If you look closely you can see the driveway, and I hid right behind that huge tree in the middle right of the picture. Classic! The view was epic.

This is what I do on my days off..

Oh, and I found myself googling, "what day is it?" 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

The journey continues..

Meet the new member of the fam. Found and caught by yours truly! I was up earlier than anyone else a few days ago and was about to take the golf cart up to start working and I saw some leaves move by the shed and it was this little kitten! He thought I was trying to kill him or somethin, but I cornered him in the shed and grabbed him. He's still very afraid but he'll get more comfortable just like the other kitten is now. 

Annie has claimed this kitten as hers. The dogs are like a pack and she is the Alpha-female, it's so fun seeing them all run together, although Glennie can't get around much. Whenever anyone comes in to the cottage, or wherever they are, they always bark for a bit no matter who it is. 

 Poppy. Just bloomed this week. The picture doesn't do justice but the flower is as big as a large plate! 

I spy.. something that is black.

 Had a bizarre experience the other night. I noticed the neighbors moved their cows to the field just by the driveway, so I climbed up by the fence and started moo-ing. And to my surprise swarms of cows started heading over my way! Basically, I had an epic staring contest with 46 cows. They ended up winning. And tonight I did an experiment and did the same thing, this time they were really quick! Seriously some cows were booking it towards me, that was a sight to see. And I talked with them for a little bit. There were only two cows that didn't come over and I noticed it was a mother feeding her baby. That's understandable. Ha.

Home sweet home

Highlights of the week

-I was doing a job with Roy and it started sprinkling ever so lightly and I see Nicolas immediately book it down to the cottage. I couldn't stop laughing. Oh and I don't know if I said it already, but Nicolas is in his 40's.
-When I was mowing one of the fields with the "chuff chuff" I stopped to catch a mystical red frog that had gold eyes. He was a beauty.
-I've been getting to know all the scents of the incredible variety of flowers. Pink rose is my favorite. The scent is heavenly.
-I was on a bike ride the other night strolling through the lush green hills of Ireland and was singing a random song at the top of my lungs and I look over and notice a guy in his yard that I was not aware of, he turned around & I looked at him with the biggest grin on my face.
-Yesterday it was rainy and overcast most of the day, but that didn't stop me from having the best time ever. I don't know how but while I was using the shredder to grind up a dead tree I began singing a song opera-style about ham & cheese. Bokka came up because she thought it was the neighbors! And then a little later she was calling for Mandie and I was making dog sounds to see if she'd know it was me ha ha. She goes "have you been drinking?" Say whaaat! Ha. That is one of the best compliments in my mind. I'm having so much fun and so free-spirited that people think I must be high on something.
-Fresh strawberries from the garden! And the deliciousness will continue for a few weeks. It feels good to get some raw living food back into my diet. Food & herbs that are picked and eaten immediately are superior to anything else in terms of nutrition and flavor. Full of life-force energy because it's still alive!
-Didn't shower the entire week :)
-There is a kind of bird that makes a cartoon-like noise, reminds me of some sound off of Mario or somethin.
-One of the neighbors cows sounds EXACTLY like Chewbacca, seriously. They must use a voice changer or something because it's insane how similar it is. Sometimes I wake up and hear it first thing, great way to start the day if you ask me.
-Some dude was driving down the street in his tractor with an old school Gandalf-like pipe in his mouth
-Setup a farm for when I land in Palermo, Sicily! If this isn't the most cliche thing ever, I don't know what is. And it has to be said like this. I'maaaaa staaaayinnn atttaaaa Laaaauigi's in Itaaaalyyy and h'esaaa gonnaa makeaaa meeeeaaa someeeaaa pizzaaa. He literally has an old school pizza oven!
-I'm planning on going to Morocco, Africa after Sicily! I don't see why I would limit myself to just Europe. I found a ticket from Rome to Marrakesh, Morocco for about 70 euros! Haven't purchased the ticket yet, I got time. So I'd take a 12 or so hour scenic boat & bus ride from Sicily to Rome, journey around Rome for a few days, and then head out to Morocco for 3 months until I'm allowed back into Europe with my normal passport. Who knows though, this could all change.

Irish terms

Cracker (Ocean's 13 had a review on it that was something like "a cracker of a film!"), brilliant, knackered (tired), telee (television), rubbish, bloody, chuff chuff (ride mower), and many others I can't think of right now.

Just a quick thought. The day I "grow up," which will never happen, is the day life loses its joy and becomes a burden. This whole idea that kids need to grow up and be adults leads to lost potential in my mind. Sure, there are plenty more responsibilities but I'm talking about the mindset. The "adult" mindset, geez, that seems so heavy and thick in unoriginal boringness. I'll pass on that and keep my mind light and floaty and open to everything like a kid. Always.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Knock Knock

Kitten around is what i do.






Had to throw this one in for the simple fact Whinnie could've played a great sidekick to Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie Terminator.

I learned today that the brown horse is named Epona! And the white is Jackie. When I first came close to Epona I could feel she was very uneasy around me. There is an unseen power in horses that cannot be seen with the eye. A few days ago Roy told me to blow in her nose and she'll be your friend forever, so I did and the next day she came right up to me like a friend! Her energy completely changed towards me, and now all I do is wave and she comes to me. Oh and the fact that her name is Epona made my day, I'm pretty much in the world of Zelda right now!

View on my walk into Mountrath yesterday. Magic. I went into a flower shop and met the family that owned the place. Again, the people I've met here are so cheerful and down to earth. Before I knew it the guy was pouring me a cup of "apple cider" and it was beer! ha ha that would never happen in America. Anyways, that was funny and then when I told him that I was going to Sicily he's like, "You'll be married in less than a month." "Blonde hair, slim build, accent, ya you'll be married in less than a month or the mafia will take you under their wing."

Fruit & Veggie garden, still a work in progress :)

Poly Tunnel. Consists of potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, strawberries, cucumbers, onions, grape vine over the top, and a fig tree at the end. 

Found another church.