Thursday, August 4, 2022

A Story of the Mystical

At the tale end of a 3 day Celtic salt water fast, lying under the sparkling stars, my body is weak yet my mind and body awareness is lucid and clear. I’ve been posted up at a secret river spot at the bottom of a gorge in Pine Valley. Deeply immersed in building up my discipline muscles and awareness within. 

I cherish these times beyond words, free of distractions. No phone. No technology. No sounds of humans or cars, other than the rare sound of a distant four wheeler and plane flying overhead. 

Praying to the spirit and the ancestors of the land, to amplify my healing intentions and protect me. Several dips in the river everyday, taking in all the smells and nuances of Nature. Wild sage and a tree that has hints of butterscotch being my favorite. Sun bathing. Exploring on foot, with nothing on but my shoes. Stretching. Meditating. Practicing several kundalini kriya’s everyday. Creating beautiful rock formations around my tent. Working with my breath. Reading. Writing. Clearing out the cobwebs and coming back home to myself. 

What a joy. What a wonder. 

Now, back to the last night under the stars. I call upon the Dolphin collective, sincerely asking for help to assist me in healing my back. 

A few moments later, my heart glows, and I hear the words, “thank you for reaching out to us, it’s an honor to serve you.” I thank the dolphins with much appreciation. 

A few minutes later as I’m simply breathing and being incredibly present with my body, I feel a potent buzzing between my brows, the third eye point, it intensifies with my focus. Blue and white light dissolve into my forehead and ooze down my body into my back. Soon after I feel a warm swirling glow of energy at the bottom of my right foot. I place my focus on it and it grows and spreads slowly into my calf. It’s hard to describe but it feels blissful, warm, joyous, like waves of ecstasy. Orgasmic light.

I ask the dolphins in my heart, “is this my energy or yours?” I hear, “it’s us darling, just relax and breathe into it.” 

I breathe and focus my whole being on the energy, and try to consciously bring it up my leg and into my back. The energy spreads up into my knee, and part way up my thigh. 

The bliss starts to glow here and there in my left foot and leg now. As the orgasmic waves settle in deeper, the sounds Ahhhhh flow out of me like the river fifteen yards behind me. 

Time dissolves while I’m in this place of presence, love, and appreciation. My soul is free, my body is light as air. I focus on my heart space and that area begins to glow, like a perfectly warm and comforting fire. A giant smile sensually snake’s its way from the bottom of my feet to my face. I cackle and laugh with the energy. The dolphins swimming around me. My whole body is vibrating with love, the strongest bliss and energy still in my feet and legs. I imagine a bubble of light around me that keeps expanding, all the way out to the edges of Mother Earth. I picture clearly a healing white light around Mother Earth, gracefully raining down healing energy on everyone. 

I continue to soak in appreciation, flashes of the last few days pulse into my mind. The massive family of swallows flying overhead, my most cherished spirit guides, that evoke feelings of unconditional love, joy, freedom, and higher intelligence. Singing songs to my beloved cosmic friend and lover. 

The stunningly gorgeous yellow and black polka dotted butterfly that flys right over me as i’m lying in the river at the same moment I’m feeling deep love for my dear mother. Immediately after the butterfly a hummingbird buzzes over me, and a single swallow overhead. Dancing in a cosmos of multi-dimensional connection. 

Once upon a time I said food is my one true lover, and that is not true. Mother Nature is my one true love, for all abundance and richness flows from her spirit: vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fungi, herbs, plants, animals, flowers, trees, dirt, clouds, rain, lightning, wind, fire, air, water, and so much more. 

I gaze up at the stars with zero light pollution, and am in awe at the profundity and mystery of being alive. Of breathing. Of relationships. Of nature. Of pain and sorrow and suffering. Of food, oh glorious food. Of being able to walk into a grocery store of miraculous abundance. Of the infinite complexity of the human body. Of cars. Of planes. Of seeing light ships in the sky. Of love. Of having the choice to do as I please, to feel how I want to feel. Of this process of learning how to elevate myself from my own supply of energy within, not needing anyone or anything else to feel abundant and blissful and full of love. 

Even though I am in pain and suffer in my own ways, even though I am human and have plenty of weaknesses, I am still whole, and growing into greater levels of wholeness everyday. Realizing more and more, that not only do I not need to try to escape my pain and uncomfortable feelings, I don’t want to anymore. There is magic in embracing all the places that feel raw and vulnerable, daily. There is peace in getting to the end of a day, knowing I didn’t run from anything, I stayed present with what Is. I lived in my highest integrity. That kind of day is what I strive for. 


Special thanks to Cynthia Williams for turning me onto the magic of dolphins, the magic of other benevolent beings in the Universe, and most importantly, the magic and power within my own Self. I adore you with all my Heart!

More and more the world of divisiveness, fear, media, greed, manipulation, etc is fading into the background. What feels infinitely more “real” to me are realities of fairies, dragons, angels, archangels, ascended masters, sky dancers, dolphins, colorful energy, wild imagination, pure love, and a whole cosmos of magical creatures and beings all dancing in the light of the One infinite creator. 

If at any time I’m feeling a bit down it feels good to meditate on the joy of being connected in spirit to all my loved ones, all the loved ones I haven’t met yet, and all the flora, fauna, and creatures of the earth and beyond.