The few adventures Pieter and I have had has really inspired him to travel at least once every week or two. Today was the day of journeying to The Blue Mountains.
Ummm I vote this for coolest bathroom ever. Carved out of ancient rock.
The pictures do the talking. And I've been posting so many simply because I can. The internet is fast enough. I know from my Europe journey that I have to take advantage of that because who knows, the next host or two or three I may not post anything because the internet is too slow, or I may be out in the middle of nowhere chilllin with some Aboriginals. I just don't know.
This spot was just minutes before we got to the famous Three Sisters. Just a taste of what was to come. There's nothing quite like being here in the moment. I looked at some google maps before I came to Straya' of this area, but nothin feels like being here. It's kinda like months after my Europe journey, thinking about it, it's so different. So different than experiencing in the moment. One is a thought or a feeling, and one is direct experience.
Ladies and gents, The Three Sisters.
This, my friends, is the Australian brown snake, one bite and you will be sent to the grave. After the three sisters we saw this lil guy slithering slowly across the road, and as I got out, Pieter said, "careful mate, that thing'll kill you." And of course to me that meant get as close as you can without dying. So I did a little dance around it and took some pics. Afterwards Pieter said, "man you are bringing all the good karma." The weather has been amazing every time we've journeyed out somewhere and a sighting like this is super rare.
How cute. Granny and gramps taking selfies. Ha.
After hanging out in the park for a while reading and breathing we stopped by another lookout spot that Pieter had never been to. Wow. Check out that lighting against the rocks.
You can't see in the picture but Sydney is way out in the distance to the far left. To give you some perspective on where this is.
Had to pull over for this beaut.
Pieter is an amazing dude, let me tell you. It's easy for me to see how we aligned. It's so refreshing to talk to someone like him, who is completely open with his feelings and experiences. His heart is open, as is mine.
Jam sesh. (Pieter on the left and Dave on the right). They were playing a song that Pieter created one day after he'd been going through a rough breakup with his ex who had originally met him while couchsurfing at his place. Sarah from Paris. He was driving through the mountains just crying and crying and really struggling, and it was raining and gloomy outside, then the sun broke through and it cleared up. And he felt our Creators love flow through him and he wrote the song right then and there.
Lemongrass lane.
You da man Pieter.