An open letter to a soul whom I will probably never see again.
This was many many moons ago.
It was night out, and I felt like going on a little cruise. Hoverboard on. Backpack kid gliding out into the darkness. I made my way to the local park up the road. One of my favorite places to find stillness in my breath and wander around the trails and grassy terrain. It was a clear and crisp night.
I posted up against the back of a school building. Sitting. Breathing. Stretching. Looking up at the sky. Thoughts passed through me of wondering what it would be like if more people ventured out of their homes, to connect and explore. We live in such an anti-social time. Covid or no covid, it's easier and more comfortable to stay at home and fall into the same patterns over and over again.
A guy entered onto the park trail. As he walked around, I simply observed. The occasional trail light beamed down a soft orange glow lighting him up. That entire side of the park was surrounded by large walls, and the side I was on consisted of a large school. This dynamic of walls and buildings created a pool whereby sound could ricochet and bounce around. Echoing and flowing.
Sounds starting coming from him, bouncing around the entire circular area we were both in. After a little bit I realized he had some type of drum sticks he was banging against his leg. The noise was cerebral and multi-layered. Put simply, it was awesome. I sat there back against the school building, out of sight from him, appreciating his own freedom and expression in the moment.
After he made a full lap I sunk into some playful imagination. As he walked past one of the trail lights, I envisioned a portal opening up between me and him. A portal of connection and openness. He continued to walk around and jam out with his drum sticks, and then I initiated an interaction. He wasn't consciously aware I was even there before that, but the way he didn't hesitate for one second to come towards me was sweet. A kind of trust between us already.
As we sat against the back of this school building we exchanged a few words, but came to the unseen understanding that we didn't need to go into details. We were both struggling in our own unique ways, and it was okay to just Be. To just Be, together. We are safe in this space. He continued to jam out with his drumsticks, as I did some stretching and light movement. What a sublime feeling.
He's sitting against the school, jammin' out, taking some breaks, and I'm doing my own thing, cruising on my hoverboard, stretching, breathing. We are together in this space of acceptance. In the hour or so we interacted, we talked for 10 maybe 15 minutes total.
This message is for you brother. I don't remember what your name is, but it doesn't matter. I have immense appreciation for you. That you are comfortable in your own skin. Comfortable with the silence. The space in between. Sending you all the love. I hope your journey is going well, I know you've been through the ringer, because I felt that through the silence. Wishing you abundance, joy, and greater clarity within. You will never know how much I appreciated that interaction. It was one of the only interactions I've had in my entire life, upon first meeting someone, where we were in a non-verbal space for much longer than a verbal space, and yet it was deeply satisfying. It touched me greatly.
This interaction brings up all kinds of questions for you to contemplate, if you so desire. Why do we feel the need to talk so much? Have we all fallen into the habit of using linguistics too much? Why is silence in an interaction, even long periods, awkward? By talking, oftentimes superficially, are we avoiding how we truly feel? If you think about it from a neurophysiological perspective, talking activates a certain part of the brain, causing a certain type of brainwave to be emitted. Beta waves. The waves associated with rational thinking and logic. Who we think we are.
But how deeply can we connect if we are always talking with each other, in the beta wave zone? Not to mention words are always shaded with our own experiences and filters and meanings.
What if we could have more interactions where no words were shared? How would that change our relationships? How would that feel to sink into deeper brain wave states such as Alpha, Theta, and Delta together? Deeper states of feeling rather than thinking.
Deeper joy and connection awaits us all in the deeper brain + heart waves beyond linguistics.